Tarn Moss National Nature Reserve
Tarn Moss National Nature Reserve is a basin mire supporting nutrient-poor fen. It developed in a shallow hollow in acidic glacial drift, and is fed by nutrient-poor ground water. The fen found here is a good example of this northern British vegetation type.
Sedges and bog mosses are well represented at the site. Other characteristic plant species include round-leaved sundew, heather, cross-leaved heath, marsh violet, marsh cinquefoil and lesser bladderwort. Where the ground water is richer in nutrients the site supports marsh marigold, ragged robin, bog bean and marsh lousewort.
Tarn Moss National Nature Reserve
Tarn Moss National Nature Reserve is a basin mire supporting nutrient-poor fen. It developed in a shallow hollow in acidic glacial drift, and is fed by nutrient-poor ground water. The fen found here is a good example of this northern British vegetation type.
Sedges and bog mosses are well represented at the site. Other characteristic plant species include round-leaved sundew, heather, cross-leaved heath, marsh violet, marsh cinquefoil and lesser bladderwort. Where the ground water is richer in nutrients the site supports marsh marigold, ragged robin, bog bean and marsh lousewort.
Miles: 10